Monday, January 30, 2006

Could this lead to perpetual employment opportunities for freelance librarians? From today's Wall Street Journal: "Publishers say fact-checking is too costly" . (If I can locate a less-time sensitive url that refers to this, I will edit it in.-th)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Update on Library FBI story in Massachusetts: FBI won't seize library records .
Librarian vs. FBI success story: City demands warrant in FBI investigation . (the site takes forever to appear, but worth the wait)
Thanks to a member of the Solo List for posting this link.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"The Bad Guys Win" - what a DRM-heavy world may be like: . Yep, libraries are mentioned, and it isn't pretty. (Seen mentioned on BoingBoing )

Monday, January 23, 2006

OCLC's new newsletter: NextSpace . This edition discusses 'rebranding'.

Monday, January 16, 2006

CNN article: Students prefer online courses
(thanks to Dorothy Knee for pointing this article my way)

Friday, January 06, 2006

The New York Academy of Medicine / National Library of Medicine Resource Guide for Public Health Preparedness provides access to more than 1500 electronic publications related to public health preparedness.

The Current Awareness Update listing newly added resources to the database for the period of November and December is now available at:

For full database records, including annotations or to search this content by subject area, please visit:
Check out the Data Points section of iHealthBeat . Three press releases might be of big interest to you and/or your administration: Survey Looks At Barriers to PHR Adoption, by HIMSS; Doc's Attitudes About Technology Related to Internet Use, by Forrester; Survey: Small, Medium Employers More Likely to Offer Benefits Portals, by Forrester. There is also a link to the Data Points archive.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Pew Internet Project has recently released a new report on how men
and women use the Internet. You can find the full report at:
Article in New England Journal of Medicine: Searching for the Right Search - Reaching the Medical Literature, NEJM, 5 Jan 2006
Check comparison of PubMed via Google and via .

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

HIT Dashboard ( ) is a portal that tracks the interoperability health IT projects in the United States. The public side of the portal just shows where the projects are on a map. There is another level available to members of Health Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), and a third level available to subscribers. With the growth of these projects (the portal will update data each quarter), libraries should recommend the site to administration so they can have access to all available data on each project. Question: would the data show any activity towards interoperability between electronic health records and library resources? [This information was found in Health-IT World, December 20, 2005 ( ).]