Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Announcing merger of INCOLSA and MLC=the new Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)

Organizations such as this should give libraries great power in getting group licenses, professional training, and resource sharing. I was lucky enough to tour the INCOLSA offices in 1998, and am still very impressed at their achievements. Maybe their merger with Michigan points the way for a national collaborative for libraries - wouldn't that be something?

Monday, December 28, 2009

A NYT article on CNBC about content providers considering charging fees to consumers:
Adding Fees and Fences on Media Sites

A prediction from me that in the next few years, libraries will need to add a 'micropayment' budget line-item to access online information sources.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Here is a story about a new medical library that has been added to a hospital in Saipan:
Medical Library Unveiled at Hospital

If you know of a health organization that would want to add a medical library to better serve their professionals and patients, get them in touch with the local office of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine: http://nnlm.gov/. Consultants at the NNLM office are there to help with identifying grants and other funding, collection development tips, and networking suggestions for new medical librarians.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Librarians may have a lot in common with farmers. After reading the comments of the Nebraska Farm Bureau President, Keith Olsen (http://www.kearneyhub.com/news/local/article_0a5d86b0-e42e-11de-a18e-001cc4c03286.html ), I can see some similarities between our two professions:

1. We are both producing more with "fewer inputs" (in our case, budgets don't stretch to fit subscriptions and purchases, and reducing staff).
2. We must both tell our story "in a way that makes sense to the consumers of our production." (in our case, consumers equal any combination of citizens/faculty/staff/students/researchers/administration) And, in his words, "tell it with pride."
3. This quote fits us as well: “If we use too big of a hammer with too much force, we destroy relationships,” he said. “If we use too small of a hammer with too little persuasion behind it, we will appear timid and wishy-washy.”

Mr. Olsen urged the delegates present "to get out their toolboxes to protect their interests in a world that doesn’t understand production agriculture" - as we are urged as librarians to get our our toolboxes to spread the word about what we do to a world that doesn't understand all that it takes to deliver quality information resources and services.