Monday, April 19, 2010

I saw this posting on the IT Consultant section of TechRepublic, and thought the resources it linked to fit libraries and their services. I figure I am an information consultant for my clients, and my job is to serve existing clients, and to acquire new ones. If this fits your idea of what other roles a librarian has, you might find the following useful.
Self-training for IT Consultants: Management and Marketing Resources
Some of the book titles that the article links to:
Managing the Professional Service Firm

How to Establish a Unique Brand in the Consulting Profession

Get Clients Now!

How to Acquire Clients

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Pew Internet & American Life Project has released this report:
The Impact of the Internet on Institutions of the Future
This will give you much to discuss at your next library planning meeting, no doubt.
Google is now Topeka! Thought you would enjoy this post I found today: Here's to your day being filled with fun and no fools.