Thursday, February 21, 2008

Calculate the retail value of your library’s resources and services
How much would it cost to replace your library services on the retail market? Calculate what it would cost to buy library services - at a book store, through pay per view for articles, from an information broker - if you and your library weren’t there. Try this calculator and see what YOU are worth! Retail Value Calculator: .
Thanks to Dick Kammer I’ve already made a couple of small modifications. You can use the web page calculator, open an Excel spreadsheet that mimics the calculator or open an unrestricted Excel spreadsheet that allows you to change lines, colors, add more than three new resources, remove ones that aren’t useful to you. Caution: be sure you know how to calculate the totals in column D. Instructions are on the spreadsheet
I’m also working on a calculator to determine your ROI – return on investment – that you can use with your CFO, boss, stakeholders to show the significant return on your institution’s investment in professional library services. Stay tuned!
Let me know what you think!

Betsy Kelly
Assessment & Evaluation Liaison
MidContinental Regional Medical Library
Associate Director for Digital Initiatives
Becker Medical Library
Washington University School of Medicine
Box 8132
660 S. Euclid Avenue
St. Louis MO 63110

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